The Meaning of the limeQ Name

Lightweight, Intuitive, Modular Engine Quest

Officially, “limeQ” is a “lightweight, modular engine quest”.  This project represents my “quest” to find a modular engine for building web applications which meet my personal needs. As this is something I have started and stopped many times over the years – with several early iterations of it being built and some even being put in use – the idea of this being a quest seemed very fitting. As far as the other components of the name…

  • lightweight = an emphasis on simple, efficient code
  • modular = organization of the code into modules to be included only if needed
  • engine = an engine to put it all together to deliver the webpages, api services and scripts

Alternate Definitions

At an early point in time I thought it was necessary to find a single word to match each of the letters that make up “limeQ”. To this end, I was referring to this project as the Lightweight, Intuitive, Modular Engine Quest. I envisioned the need for the system to be intuitive as a focus on an easy to understand system with a very low learning curve for development. This is certainly still an important design consideration for the system, although today it just seems better to be striving to build a Lightweight Modular Engine. If it is designed well, it will be, by default, intuitive to use.

I have also been working on a secondary definition for limeQ. It’s hard to ignore that the “i” in lime could just as easily be for “Ian”, as in “…Ian’s Modular Engine”, but I need all the right words for this to make sense. “Library for Ian’s Modular Engine” just doesn’t seem to roll off the tongue so well.

A Work In Progress

This entire project is at this point a work in progress, so it is also quite appropriate the definition of the name was something which was in flux for a long time. In fact, the possibility remains I will adjust the meaning if I have better ideas in the future for it. When I was first searching for a name for this project I actually liked the idea of incorporating the word “lime” into the name and as the domain name was available, I grabbed it. The idea of obtaining a nice sounding 5 letter domain, when there are virtually none left was the primary reason I picked this name for the project. In fact, it was years later, when I really started to work more on the project that the name was truly defined.


It’s worth nothing that I picked the word “lime” in the first place, simply because limes are an important component in so many great cocktails, but that’s probably best to expound upon in another article.